Material Donations Needed:

 Insulation for our group/individual counseling space

 HVAC Splitter for group/individual counseling space

 Fence to separate neighbors (ours blew down during high winds last year)

 Someone to fix our gate

 Railing for stairs to attic

 Redo our stairs to basement

 Organize our clothing closet/group space

 Volunteer Social Media person

 Volunteer Fundraiser organizers

 Goods/Property

 Fundraising Prizes

 Professional Services

 Free Counseling

 Support for clients to get: eye-exam, dental work, medical help

 Creation of an Asset

 Another House

 Free Accounting support

 Grant writing expert volunteer

Please view our full Amazon Wishlist Here

If you can donate any of these items, please contact our CEO Chad to arrange pickup. He can be reached at +1.615.962.2528

We Are One Recovery


Hope turns to Faith, Faith Turns to Trust

@2023 We Are One Recovery – Designed & Created by Soulweb